Not sure that you properly configured resource compression at your web server or just wanna play with compression settings or check that all resources are compress as it intended?
The easies way to check it is via simple CLI command:
Author: dev
Flutter 1.12 to 1.22 update and issues with firebase libraries
Upgrading from my old Flutter v1.12.13+hotfix.5 up to Flutter 1.22.0 stable went mostly like a charm. You should go through the 1.12 migration guide. The problems came after upgrading Firebase dependencies.
Continue reading “Flutter 1.12 to 1.22 update and issues with firebase libraries”Database deadlock example
Problem of deadlocks exists in all programming languages with lock-based synchronization. And even more, if the language has message passing synchronization program can still be stuck in deadlock at database level. Down here I’ll write a Java JDBC example of database deadlock:
Continue reading “Database deadlock example”Google Play Billing acknowledge implementation
At the end of the 2019 Google Play announced that starting from the beginning of 2021 new submissions of apps with Google Play Billing implementation based on AIDL would be rejected at review. All newer versions of apps should use Google Billing Library 2.0+ instead.
Here are my thoughts and notes about implementing Billing Library 2.0 support from the perspective of backend engineer.
Continue reading “Google Play Billing acknowledge implementation”MongoDB array $push tutorial for Java
MongoDB has vast support for arrays but syntax seems to be complicated at first glance. Performing array operations using MongoDB Java driver abstractions is a bit trickier.
Continue reading “MongoDB array $push tutorial for Java”WordPress and PHP updates with monitoring
Many people hate to update their software. Every time you have a risk to ruin an app, its data or even an entire system.
Blog platforms as WordPress are not an exception. Because of this you are guided to backup your files and database at the very beginning.
I had covered full WordPress backup from cli in a minute previously.
WordPress backup from CLI within a minute
All WordPress owners are struggling with WordPress platform updates or new plugin releases. And only really brave one deals with it without making a full backup of files and wordpress database.
Where are MongoDB database and config stored
There is no need to introduce such popular document-oriented database as MongoDB.
So let’s go straight to the point.
Continue reading “Where are MongoDB database and config stored”
Flutter route navigaton from webview_plugin and back
Got interesting collision while trying to implement flutter navigation while WebviewScaffold rendered on the screen.
My project uses flutter_webview_plugin: ^0.3.9+1.
A named route is pushed onto navigator from an AppBar of the webview_plugin’s WebviewScaffold like this:
Continue reading “Flutter route navigaton from webview_plugin and back”
Android Gradle plugin, issue with Google’s maven repo
After attempt to add Firebase client library into root level Gradle config build.grade, I caught error during Android Studio syncing:
Caused by: org.gradle.internal.event.ListenerNotificationException: Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
at org.gradle.internal.event.AbstractBroadcastDispatch.dispatch(
... 85 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: JAVA_LETTER_OR_DIGIT
Continue reading “Android Gradle plugin, issue with Google’s maven repo”